::walking out, head held up, smiling, waving:: ::trip::
::recover, laugh at self, approach podium::
Good evening, all you luscious delegates and party …
partiers! How is everyone tonight?! Are you as happy to be here as I am?!! ::pause:: Not to bring down the room, but how are you really, after last week? ::pause:: Me? I’m weary, I’m sick to my stomach, I could easily be fed up enough to give up.
What went so off the rails, that Donald Trump is ACTUALLY
the RNC candidate for President?
Personally, I think it started when we laughed off the rise
of the tea party. “What? Are you kidding me? They’re just spewing unsupported
facts! They’re just trying to scare people! They’ll know better. We don’t have
to worry about them.” ::eyebrow raised::
Or, it may have started even earlier with Limbaugh, Beck,
Coulter and Fox “news” ::air quotes::. They were always telling us who to
blame, what to be afraid of, but never talking solutions. We got mad at
Coulter, but we also thought, “she’s so ludicrious, no one will believe her
tripe!” ::shaking head::
Maybe it was our own apathy at the polls? We got President
Obama in office, but then we let the Congress slip away with record low turnout
at the polls.
Maybe it was thinking that racism and sexism were dealt
with, when they obviously were not! And then, we let them make “Politically
correct” or PC, a bad thing? Why is it “politically correct” to not ridicule
another human being at their expense. We use to call it common decency. Now,
it’s grown to be a liberal objective… to make everyone “politically correct,” …
no, we just want people to treat each other with respect… and that’s a bad
Could it be the Koch brother-backed Govenors who are not
dismantling and underfunding schools in their states, helping to reduce the
access to a fundamental education in America? Letting curriculum standards
mutate into Sunday school primers by including creationism and misrepresenting
the THEORY of evolution.
Undereducated people are much easier to corral than an
person with critical thinking skills.
What I’ve seen over the last two decades feels like a return
to the robber barons of the 20s and 30s. The richest among us garnering the
most favor, influencing the policies and laws of our government, or attempting
to do so…and while so many of our citizenry suffer, only degrading and name-calling
those who cannot help themselves in this climate.
I keep hearing how we’re a Christian nation. If that’s true,
than how can we vilify those who need us most? How can we go about the business
of the day when we have true suffering here? How can we turn away those whose
daily lives is a actual battleground, with bombs and terrorists blowing up
their children, their homes, their cities? How can we watch as a candidate on
the other side of the aisle shows nothing but disdain for minorities, women and
those in peril, and only goal is to gain the highest US office and use it to
promote his personal brand?
There have been no policies laid out… oh, wait, I’m sorry,
there have been “many words about many great things he’ll do day one when he
takes office… and it will make America great again… because I have the ultimate
power of Gandalf the Wizard… and once I waves my staff.. bada bing… safety,
walls, OK Corral shootouts!”
That’s not us.
That’s why we’re weary, sick to our stomachs and sad.
It’s tiring to listen to that kind of vitriol and rhetoric,
especially 4 days of it. It’s saddening to read through the accuracy checks of
the statements made, and finding that most were as you thought… lies. And it
affects our digestion, because it’s hard to swallow that THIS guy could be a
step away from the Presidency.
It’s time to get off our butts, put actions behind our
mouths, and make sure that come November… Our Presidential candidate wins
overwhelmingly….that our Representatives and Senators are following her to the
Hill in January.
It’s time to swing the pendulum back from the radical, tea
party of the right… back to where the majority of us live… the land of reason,
problem-solving and solutions…the place of facts and research to back it up.
Climate change IS science, and IS happening. Just because you don't WANT to believe it, doesn't mean it isn't real. There are actually facts, scientists and documented reasoning behind the curtain!
Abstinence only educations do not work. Our youth need to be taught about sex, STDs, and contraceptives along with abstinence in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies, STDs and legal abortions. Just because you're too repressed to talk about it, doesn't mean it's not happening. And if you don't support a woman's right to choose, then instead of trying to force decisions on her about her body, try to put things in place that will help unwanted pregnancies be avoided..such as access to affordable or free contraception!
Marriage between two consenting, loving adults is a right... the Supreme Court concurs!
We all have a right to affordable health insurance, and to know that that catastrophic illness won't bankrupt us.
Higher taxes on our wealthiest will not ruin
them, rob them or diminish their standing…but it will see that we have a
proportional contribution from them. It will shore up our budget for building
roads, educating and training the welfare participants so they can move off of
welfare and become self-sustaining, it will bolster our care of our vets
and current service men and women (oh, sorry, did I just do something
politically correct by saying men and women? Tough! I’m talking to both) and it
will allow the middle class to grow again, and make for a more sustainable economy. (If I really delivered this speech, I would be even more poignant and fact-driven in this paragraph)
Trickle down only works if it's a melting ice cream cone and your chin!
We have seen a seismic shift in the RNC that even members of
the RNC don’t like. The only way to keep things in check, and protect those who
cannot protect themselves is to GET OUT THE VOTE! Drive your older neighbor who
is home-bound, canvas the neighborhood and make sure everyone is registered.
Watch your friend’s toddler so they can go out and cast their ballot.
We cannot be lazy. We cannot be complacent. This election is
a pivotal one, and one that will affect us all. We have a strong ticket for the
highest office. We have an equally strong platform that is rooted in
inclusiveness and intellectually informed goals. We have the support of ALL of
our DNC leadership, and are united in wanting to keep the momentum of our
current President.
It’s in our hands. It’s in the hands of the citizenry, here
in this building today and outside these walls and watching tonight from home,
or working a second job to make ends meet, or studying for finals, or just
trying to make it day to day. It’s up to us to take all of this ::motion around
the room:: and all that will be laid out this week within these walls, and make
it a reality.
We will have only ourselves to blame if it goes the other…
::pause:: the wrong way.
Keep us great… keep us moving forward… keep us positive and
on the side of inclusiveness and kindness. Vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton and
Tim Kaine this November…
Thank you, and welcome to our party’s opportunity to tell
OUR story!
Good night.
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