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My head on ScarJo's body, considering it poetic license for the sake of setting the "stage" |
Thank you for your kind reception. I know you don’t know me, but you should, I’m one of you.
I stand before you, a middle class American woman who an
trace her roots back before the Revolution. I’ve been married for 20 years,
with a son who turns 13 this fall. We have a dog. We have a home. We’ve
struggled through job loss, recessions, housing-market downturns. We’ve
refinanced, amassed and cleared credit debt.
We’ve ridden the economic cycle of this volatile world market. And we’ve
worked hard as a two worker home, to achieve or try to attain that “American
Dream”… of happiness, health and a chance… a chance to make more of our lives
while we breathe on this big blue marble.
But I’m weary. Last week, made me weary.
If any of you tuned in to the convention in Cleveland last
week, and hoped to hear what the GOP was presenting as their platform, hear
inspirational speeches from their party leaders, and tap it off with a clear
idea of what their candidate was bringing to the party… I suspect you are weary
as well.
I look out here, at all your faces, your smiling, excited
faces… but what I truly see, what I revel in seeing… human beings. I see
thousands of similarly-minded humans from diverse backgrounds, experiences,
ethnicities, ages and all whom have their own distinct story to tell.
I see the true face of America… the HUMAN face. And that is
why I don’t want to give last week any more of my time or consideration. I want
to talk about what we’re about to do here! Here in Philadelphia, where the original text of our Constitution was crafted.
Here, in Philly, is where we… the Democratic Party… have come to layout our plan to
the masses outside these walls, whether they join us or oppose us. We’re never
going to please every single human… but we are here to talk about how we will
best represent our fellow Americans and guide policy that will affect all our
The difference?
We’re not here to scare people. We’re not here to mock
people. We’re not here to isolate us from the world. We’re not here to point fingers
and blame others. Those things make us weary, and offer no solutions or paths
to success. They serve only to subjugate the masses with fear and anger.
We are here to approve our platform… an inclusive,
progressive, thoughtful platform. We are here to hear from our leaders, party supporters
and fellow humans about the future for all of us. We are here to affirm our
candidate for the Presidency, and endow her with the rights to carry our
We are here to talk about how America IS great, and how we
can make it even better. We have real issues, many of which have inundated our
TVs, social feeds and news, as of late. But they are not insurmountable,
they’re not anything to be cowering in fear about, and give up our liberties to
squelch. We’re not naïve, but we are reasonable, calm, and ready to be collaborators,
listeners, and share our ideas, openly and without fear of retribution or hate.
We are here to thank President and First Lady Obama for
their stewardship, even when their battles were disproportionately against
them. We are here to continue the good works and economic path that this
administration has set us upon. We are here to put in office, a leader who can
continue the healing of the rifts with our global partners, that President
Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry have
nurtured over 8 years. We are here to
bring together the supporters of Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders, and
recognize their ideas and consider their voice as we move our party forward.
We are here to confirm, celebrate and support Hillary
Clinton as our candidate for the President of these UNITED States.
Welcome and THANK you for all of your work, in your states,
in your districts, in your neighborhoods… for keeping on task, keeping on
message, and keeping this race for the White House a positive one… and for
representing all of us. We are ALL part of this race… the human race!
Leave the negative, divisive, anger to them.
Keep the faith, be positive, be an aggregator of goodwill,
THAT is what we stand for, that is what will win the election in November!
Thank you.
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