But one thing I found was from a group in Dayton, OH that did personality testing & verbal IQ testing. My dad had me go through it when I was a junior in high school. I was trying to get into Miami University in Ohio, and one of the doctors, Dr. Scheidler, wrote a letter of recommendation with a review of all the testing and his interpretation of the test results.
I didn't get into Miami, but I did get into University of Denver.
It's just so interesting how much that was true then, is still true. Makes me evaluate the "nature vs. nuture" balance when our personalities form. I thought I'd share with you, what he shared.
Ann Patricia Watson came in to SSS Consulting for testing and interviewing on April 9, 1980. She has asked that I send the test results to you in hopes that it will help her in being considered for entrance into your university.
We administered the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale for Children, Form R, and her intelligence was outstandlingly high. Even though she had difficulty with the Digit Span or memory for numbers, she had a verbal IQ of 123, a performance IQ of 132, and a full scale IQ of 131. As you know, the average IQ of the average college graduate is 120. We can assure you that this young lady as the intellectual ability to succeed at any level of education. She has not used her intelligence as well as she might have in the past, although I understand that she is improving. In fact, I recommend that she take a good developmental reading course. On the Wide-Range Achievement Test her reading level was 10.8 grade level, which is slightly below her grade level and far below her intelligence level. Her Arithmetic was at the 11.3 grade level and she was in the eleventh grade when we tested her. She is capable of doing much better than that.
[Can I just say, I've shown GREAT restraint in not commenting on a lot of this!]
We gave her the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey and it shows she has high drive and energy. She is a hard worker and is fairly open and spontaneous. In fact, on occasion, she will act and speak without thinking. She is very assertive and outspoken and she can be very firm in making decisions. Someday she would like to be a leader. She is sociable and outgoing and she mixes well with others. She gets moody on occasion and when she does, it is the price she pays for keeping anger bottled up inside. She is inclined to be a perfectionist; by a perfectionist I mean that no matter how well she does she is never quite satisfied. She feels that she could have done better. She has a moderate amount of anger within her but keeps it hidden. She is very reflective and meditative and she likes to think and plan as well as to do. She is very reflective and meditative and she likes to think and plan as well as to do. She was more influenced by a father figure than a mother figure in her early developmental years.
We gave her our own personality test, the Self Descriptive Index. This test compares her to managers and salespeople whereas the Guilford-Zimmerman compares her to the general population. The norms on the Self Descriptive Index are much tougher.
She is very outgoing and sociable and she can be firm in making decisions and dealing with people. She is very tolerant and accepting of ideas and values different from her own and gets along well with people in her daily behavior. She admits to some tension but no more so than average. The score is lowered because she was truthful in taking the test. She has an average amount of energy and in a work situation, she is more of a thinker and a planner than a doer. In work situations, she is free of moodiness and depression. She is competitive and has a strong need to succeed. She is spontaneous, open, and natural and you know where you stand with her at all times. She is never complacent and is always striving to improve. She is cheerful and optimistic.
We gave her our Motivation Analysis Profile which indicates that she is very persistent and persevering. She is moralistic and is very accurate and correct. She is not afraid of hard work and is very accurate and she will keep long hours to get the job done. She does not like parties or a lot of small talk. She lets a few people get close to her and she is capable of loving and being loved but most people she tends to hold at a distance. She likes her privacy and she likes to think and plan. She likes to manage and to lead and she has no difficulty dealing with conflict and confrontation. She likes to command attention and will assume complete responsibility for her own decisions. She has a need to avoid being obligated to duty and she is very independent. She does not like to be bound in by 'shoulds' and 'oughts.' She has a need to avoid extensive group work and she likes to run her own show.
Lastly, we gave Ann the Strong Vocational Interest Inventory. Her strongest interests were in merchandising and business management. We think she would like management, marketing and sales, although she also has high social service interests and likes to be of service to others.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.
Charles H. Scheidler, Ph. D
You that know me, be the judge!
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